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Tuesday, November 8, 2011

The Ladder Climber

    This one I am sure many people will find an easy reference to any job site or office in the world. "The Ladder Climber" always seems prevalent when there is room for advancement in a tight workforce. "The Ladder Climber" is the person whom would appear to have many faces. One for when management looks at them seeming like an abyss and under control. The other when their peers are looking at them carnivorous and ready to strike. A cold person whom has no sense of community or respect in a workplace. They are often found to have dust or dirt on their knees from performing oral pleasure on any person of upper stature. A cramped neck or sore back from hiding coiled up under desks is also a general trait of this person.

   When "The Ladder climber" is working directly with you under supervision they will seem helpful and courteous in their demeanor. Engaging you with comments such as "How would you do this?" or "Do you think this is a good idea?" Only then to take those comments and ideas. Modify them to become their own and take then to a superior to collect recognition. Only to leave the superiors office with a sense of pride and a limp from kneeling on another hardened floor. This said the opposite happens when the supervision is out of sight "The Ladder Climber" will become extremely lazy and lethargic. Getting help from them at this point is useless. Even if they did do some of the work it would almost immediately have to be redone.  On the other end if there is a problem or if something has been done improperly they will become silent. Unable to come up with a solution at the time or registering any input into the matter. They then wait for the opportunity to use this to their personal gain by making the issue larger than it really is. Telling their superior of the defect and how they have managed to find it. Possibly again regurgitating suggestions for fixes heard from their peers. Patting themselves on the back feeling that they have placed themselves on top of the pyramid for promotion.

   "The Ladder Climber" in most cases has a short life span. They will either become uncovered from their burrow of lies and deceit by an unsuspecting passerby who would find an uncovered loose end or shed of skin. The other is to be removed by a group of peers after they have spent too much time trying to climb one ladder in a small group. "The Ladder Climber" can only survive so long in a den like this as they need to feed often to keep themselves at the level they feel is needed for a promotion. The classic downfall is that they need to feed close to themselves to create a pyramid of what they want to appear as incompetence below them. Keeping themselves sitting on top of it like a statuesque asp. They feed on the very people that keep them atop the pyramid and eventually the cornerstones become removed and thus their structure of carefully placed back stabbing accomplishments comes tumbling leaving them at the mercy of their peers whom they have constantly mistreated.

   In dealing with "The Ladder Climber" it is utmost importance to find them as soon as possible. If left undetected they will have an upper hand and will fight to the death. Once they have been detected the only way to keep yourself and coworkers safe is with 1. Group recognition. Everyone needs to realize what they are dealing with and only when this is accomplished move to the next step 2. Ignorance and distance. Don't take your eye off them because when your back is turned they will strike. Think of them as if they are not there but always know where they are. If the whole group can ignore "The Ladder Climber" then they have nothing to climb or survive off of. Not a word to be said to them, and no recognition of their presence is to be given. If they speak into an ongoing conversation the entire group must completely ignore any comments, slowly move away and carry on as if there was nobody there. Then the most important step of dealing with "The Ladder Climber". 3. Don't let them single out a member of the group. If they can pull one away they find enough food value in a single person to survive a long time coiled and waiting to strike on any hint of prey that passes them by.

  In comparison to an animal undoubtedly they are the snake. Quiet and cunning while poisonous and cold blooded. Both being left in the spotlight or sunshine will be ferocious and energized but when put in the cold and left alone are simple and lazy. If you can control the head of the snake you can do anything with it. Just like "The Ladder Climber" their only weapon is their mouth in which they create chaos in a workplace. Use the 1,2,3 step solution to remove the poison and you are left with a child's pet that while untameable is manageable and not dangerous, often taking off in the tall grass not to be seen again.

Hope you enjoyed and thanks Kelly for a little inspiration to keep writing. Cheers!